Rhapsody -古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版

标签:Rhapsody 古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版
上传时间:2016-12-14 03:02:40


Rhapsody -古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版

Rhapsody -古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版          这首歌之所以聆听过RHAPSODY音乐的人,总是会在瞬间被他们的音乐所感染。这种源自欧洲古典音乐的恢弘气势和优美旋律给所有的摇滚乐迷留下了不可磨灭的印象。让人流连忘返记忆犹新 。送给大家。 希望大家喜欢 。

Rhapsody -古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版       
I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands
To search for the third key to open the gates
Now I'm near the altar the secret inside
As legend told my beloved
Sun light the dragon's eyes
On the way to the glory I'll honor my sword
To serve right ideals and justice for all
Finally happened the sun lit their eyes
The spell was creating strange games of light
Thanks to hidden mirrors I found my lost way
Over the stone I reached the
Place it was a secret cave
In a long bloody battle that prophecies told
The light will prevail hence wisdom is gold
For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
Only a warrior with a clear heart
Could have the honour to be kissed by the sun
Yes I am that warrior I followed my way
Led by the force of cosmic souls
I can reach the sword
On the way to the glory I'll honor my sword
To serve right ideals and justice for all
For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
For the king for the land for the mountains
For the green valleys where dragons fly
For the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword



  • 歌曲ID:317
  • 歌曲名:Rhapsody -古典音乐翡翠之剑升级版
  • 宣传地址: